Membro della SCNAT

L’associazione dei geografi svizzeri ha l’obiettivo di collegare la scienza, l’insegnamento e la pratica, di promuovere il dialogo tra le regioni e le lingue svizzere e di partecipare agli attuali dibattiti sociopolitici.di più

Immagine: elen31, stock.adobe.comdi più

Qui est l'ASG?

The Swiss Geographical Association (ASG) is the umbrella organization for geographers in Switzerland. Ordinary members of the ASG are the specialist geographical societies, the regional societies and the geographical University institutes in Switzerland.

The statutory objectives of the ASG include:

  • Networking the various fields of the discipline: science, teaching, practice
  • Promoting dialog between the different regions and languages of Switzerland
  • Participation of geography in current socio-political debates

In its current mandate, the ASG pursues the following specific objectives:

  1. Promotion of international exchange
  2. Strengthening cooperation between the Swiss language regions
  3. Promotion of mid-level faculty and ethnic diversity at universities
  4. Promoting concrete measures in the context of climate change
Mappa del mondo (NASA)
Mappa del mondo (NASA)Immagine: NASA / NASA Earth Observatory, Photo Department


  • GeoAgenda est le bulletin de l’ASG, publié quatre fois par année
  • Groupes thématiques dans le champ de la géographie humaine, physique, scolaire et appliquée
  • Subsides pour la relève académique lors de congrès à l’étranger



Associazione svizzera di geografia (ASG)
c/o Katharina Pelzelmayer
University of Neuchâtel
Institut de géographie
Espace Tilo-Frey 1
2000 Neuchâtel